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How to Cure Vampirism in DnD 5e

This post was last updated on July 17th, 2023

how to cure vampirism white text on a blurred bg depicting a vampire

Did you come in contact with a vampire during your d&d campaign?

Or even worse, have you been bitten against your will and now you need a way to heal yourself because that pale skin just doesn’t suit you?

Well, I may have some suggestions for you!

In this article, I’m going to explain what vampirism is and most importantly how to “cure” vampirism in d&d 5e, so you can get back to your former state.

Be prepared though as it won’t be easy!

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What is Vampirism in D&D 5e

Vampirism is an intriguing and mysterious condition that can almost permanently affect your character during your adventures.

The term “Vampire” is already well-known thanks to all the media and books that describe this creature.

Types of Vampirism

In D&D you can find 2 different types of Vampires: the True Vampire and the Vampire Spawn.

To get a better grasp on the subject, let’s dig into each one a bit more.

True Vampire: a true vampire is someone who has fully embraced the vampiric condition, gaining increased power and control over their abilities. As a true vampire, your character would have a greater resistance to weaknesses and be a formidable force in battle, compared to vampire spawns.

The path to becoming a true vampire is often shrouded in darkness and requires a significant amount of dark actions to achieve.

Vampire Spawn: if you’re killed by a vampire’s bite, you can transform into a vampire spawn.
Vampire spawns are mainly under the control of the vampire that created them, making it difficult to resist their commands.

While your character, as a vampire spawn, may not have as much freedom as a true vampire, they still possess fearsome abilities and strengths.

How to Cure Vampirism in DnD 5e: Wish Spell

One of the most effective ways to cure vampirism is by casting the Wish spell if your master agrees with it.

Wish is a 9th-level spell and it’s the most powerful spell you can possibly cast.

Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires.

D&D 5e Player’s Handbook

It has the power to fulfil any of your desires (still, check with your DM); so in theory if your character wishes to cure another’s creature that had been transformed into a vampire, this could be a very possible option.

However, Wish spell isn’t easily accessible and its use might come with very bad consequences due to the stress of casting it.

Only Sorcerers and Wizards can cast the Wish spell.

How to Cure Vampirism in DnD 5e: True Resurrection Spell

Another solution to cure vampirism is the use of the True Resurrection spell.

You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years and that died for any reason except old age. If the creature’s soul is free and willing, the creature is restored to life with all its hit points.

D&D 5e Player’s Handbook

The spell requires that the creature you want to bring back to life has been dead for no longer than 200 years and that died for any reason except old age.

If you want to follow this path, first of all, you need to kill the Vampire. Good luck with that!

Then it would be best if you had a Cleric or a Druid in your party, as these 2 classes are the only ones who are capable of casting this spell, in order to bring the body back to life.

If you have both of these requirements then you’re all set.

How to Cure Vampirism in DnD 5e: Alternative Methods

I’m pretty sure you already came across the methods described above on your journey on how to cure vampirism in dnd 5e.

Fair enough, those two are the “official” ways of doing it.

But, the are other methods you and your DM can try, as many as your imagination can think of, in fact.

At the end of the day Dungeons & Dragons lays its foundations on players’ fantasies and dreams, so why not?

10 Homebrew Methods to cure Vampirism

  • Magic Water: a rare type of water found in a hidden spring that can cure vampirism. The water must be consumed within 10 hours of being collected; the way to reach the hidden spring is full of traps designed to slow you down.
    Vampires aren’t allowed to get near the hidden spring.
  • Bite of a Silver Dragon: the bite of a silver dragon can cure vampirism. You just need to find one and not get killed.
  • Ritual of the Sun: a powerful ritual that requires a group of clerics, paladins, and other holy warriors. The ritual must be performed during the day, under the full light of the sun. The vampire must be willing to participate in the ritual and must be purified with holy water before the ritual can begin.
  • Blood of a Unicorn: the blood of a unicorn can cure vampirism. However, unicorns are rare and difficult to find.
  • Tears of a Nereid: the tears of a Nereid, a water nymph, can cure vampirism. If you manage to capture one!
  • Ritual of the Blood Moon: the vampire must perform a powerful ritual during the rare occurrence of a blood moon. The ritual requires the vampire to sacrifice a significant amount of blood and undergo a physical and mental transformation.
  • Blood of a Lycanthrope: the blood of a lycanthrope, such as a werewolf, can cure vampirism. Classic nemesis.
  • Blessing of a High Priest: a high priest can bless a vampire, lifting the curse of vampirism. The vampire must be willing to submit to the blessing.
  • Tome of Vampiric Lore: a rare tome that contains the secret to curing vampirism. The tome is guarded by powerful undead creatures and other dangers, making it a difficult task to obtain.
  • Divine Intervention: Gods themselves can intervene to lift the curse of vampirism. The vampire must prove himself worthy of the gods’ intervention, and the gods may require a great sacrifice in return.

Always remember to discuss these alternative methods with your DM, as they have the final say on what is possible within the game world.