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Lawful Good (LG): Overview and Tips for D&D Roleplayers

This post was last updated on April 8th, 2023

Lawful Good overview & tips white text on a black and light-blue background

Hello, fellow D&D roleplayers and welcome to another article of the series dedicated to D&D Alignments.
Today’s topic revolves around the Lawful Good alignment, which is one of the 9 alignments in Dungeons & Dragons, often considered one of the most common alignments as it allows for a wide range of heroic archetypes, such as paladins, knights and clerics.

Characters with this alignment believe that laws are necessary to protect the weak and punish the wicked, and they strive to uphold these laws at all times.
They are often seen as heroes and champions of justice, fighting against evil forces and defending the innocents.

In this article, I’ll explore this alignment in depth, discussing what it means, how it differs from other alignments, what kinds of characters and creatures typically embody this alignment and some good tips for players.

Whether you’re a seasoned D&D player or a newcomer to the game, this article will give you a deeper understanding of the alignment and how you could better play a Lawful Good character.

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What is Lawful Good in D&D?

Lawful Good creatures can be counted on to do the right thing as expected by society. Gold dragons, paladins, and most dwarves are lawful good.

Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook Edition 5.0

Characters with this alignment believe in the importance of upholding the law and order, and they strive to do good in society. They have a strong sense of justice and will do everything in their power to protect the innocent and punish evil foes.

Lawful Good characters are often seen as the “good guys” in D&D campaigns. They are typically honest, trustworthy, and honourable.
They believe that the law exists to protect people and promote the greater good, and they will follow it to the best of their abilities.

While Lawful Good characters are often seen as noble and heroic, they can also be seen as rigid and inflexible. They may have a difficult time understanding other points of view, especially those that conflict with their own beliefs.
They may also have a tendency to judge others harshly, especially those who break the law or act against their sense of morality.

Beliefs and Behaviour of Characters and NPCs

Lawful Good characters believe in the importance of law and order, and they hold themselves to a strict moral code. They seek to do what is right and just, and they believe that the law is a tool for creating a fair and just society.

They are willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect others, and they are always willing to fight against evil and this is why they are often seen as the “Heroes” of the D&D world. However, they are not blindly obedient to authority, and they will not hesitate to speak out against injustice or corruption.

Lawful Good characters are the ones who will remind others of their duty to do what is right, even when it is difficult or dangerous and they will always try to find a peaceful solution to a conflict first before resorting to violence.

This long list of good adjectives doesn’t come without flaws, in fact, characters with this alignment can be rigid and inflexible in their beliefs, and they may be unwilling to compromise or make difficult decisions.

Characters Examples

In popular culture, there are many examples of Lawful Good characters. Here are a few of them:

Superman (DC Comics)a superhero devoted to protecting the innocent and upholding justice. He is known for his unwavering moral code and commitment to doing what is right, even if it means putting himself in great danger.
Captain America (Marvel Comics)Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, is a patriotic hero who fights for justice and freedom. He symbolises hope and inspiration and is known for his strong commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of adversity.
Aragorn (the Lord of the Rings)Aragorn is a skilled warrior who fights to protect Middle-earth from the forces of darkness. He is known for his sense of honour and willingness to put himself in harm’s way to protect others.

How to Play a Lawful Good Character

Alignment and Roleplaying Tips

  • Always act in accordance with the law. Your character should be a stickler for the rules and regulations of the land.
  • Help those in need. Your character will always be looking for ways to help others, especially those who are less fortunate.
  • Be honest and truthful. Your character should always tell the truth, even if it means putting themselves in danger.
  • Respect authority. Your character will have a deep respect for those in positions of power, such as rulers and law enforcement officials.
  • Stand up for what is right. Your character should always be willing to stand up for what is right, even if it means going against the law or those in power.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Following the law vs. doing what is right. Your character may be faced with situations where following the law may not be the best course of action. For example, if the law is unjust or if it is being used to oppress a certain group of people.
  • Helping others vs. self-preservation. Your character may be faced with situations where helping others may put them in danger. For example, if they are trying to protect someone who is being hunted by a dangerous group of people.
  • Respecting authority vs. questioning authority. Your character may be faced with situations where those in positions of power are corrupt or abusing their power. In these situations, your character may need to decide whether to follow orders or question the authority.

Examples of Lawful Good Character Actions

Actions they would do

  • Helping those in need, regardless of their race or background.
  • Respecting the law and authority figures, but also questioning them when necessary.
  • Protecting the innocent and standing up against injustice.
  • Being honest and truthful, even if it means admitting their own mistakes.
  • Showing compassion and empathy towards others.
  • Keeping their promises and fulfilling their obligations.

Actions they wouldn’t do

  • Torturing or killing prisoners.
  • Breaking their word or betraying their allies.
  • Using deception or trickery to achieve their goals.
  • Discriminating against others based on their race or background.
  • Harm innocent people or engage in acts of violence or aggression without rightful cause.
  • Serve or align themselves with evil forces or individuals.

It is important to note that these actions are not set in stone, and Lawful Good characters can still surprise players and DMs with their decisions.
These actions could serve as a general guideline for players who are new to the game.

Why Play a Lawful Good Character?


Playing a lawful good character can be rewarding and enjoyable for several reasons.
First and foremost, it allows you to play a hero who is committed to doing the right thing, and the majority of people can pair themselves with this type of behaviour, which makes you see the positive impact your character has on the world around you.

Also, due to the fact that these characters are bound by a strict moral code, they must find ways to achieve their goals while staying true to their principles. This can lead to interesting and challenging scenarios that require careful thought and planning.

Finally, playing a lawful good character can be a great way to build relationships with other players, since this type of character is typically seen as very trustworthy and dependable, and it can be a valuable ally and friend to have in a party.

Potential drawbacks

One potential drawback is that it can be difficult to balance a commitment to doing the right thing with the practical realities of the game world.

In some cases, these types of characters may find themselves at odds with other party members who prioritize different values or have different goals, for example, imagine having a lawful good paladin in the same party with a neutral rogue, a barbarian or a warlock. It could not be very easy!

Another potential drawback is that playing a lawful good character can be limiting in terms of roleplaying opportunities. Because they are bound by a strict moral code, lawful good characters may be less likely to engage in morally ambiguous or morally questionable behaviour and this can make it more difficult to explore complex or nuanced character motivations and relationships.

Lawful Good vs. Other Alignments

Lawful Good vs Neutral Good

These two alignments share the same commitment to doing good in the world. The primary difference between them is that Neutral Good characters tend to prioritize personal freedom over strict adherence to laws and rules. Neutral Good characters may be willing to break laws or go against authority figures if they believe it is necessary to do what is right.

Lawful Good vs Chaotic Good

Same here, these two alignments both strive to do what is right, but they have very different approaches. Lawful Good characters believe that following laws and rules is essential to creating a just and peaceful society. Chaotic Good characters, on the other hand, believe that personal freedom and individual rights are more important than laws and rules. They may be willing to break laws or go against authority figures if they believe it is necessary to do what is right.

Lawful Good vs Lawful Neutral

Lawful Good characters and Lawful Neutral characters both believe in following laws and rules. However, Lawful Neutral characters tend to be more concerned with maintaining order and stability than with doing what is right. They may be willing to support laws and institutions that are unjust or oppressive if they believe it is necessary to maintain order.

Lawful Good vs True Neutral

True Neutral characters are primarily concerned with maintaining balance in the world. They are not necessarily committed to doing good or evil, but they may take action to prevent one side from gaining too much power. Lawful Good characters may find True Neutral characters frustrating because they are not committed to doing what is right.

Lawful Good vs Chaotic Neutral

Chaotic Neutral characters prioritize personal freedom and individual rights over laws and rules. They may be willing to break laws or go against authority figures if they believe it is necessary to do what is right. Lawful Good characters may find Chaotic Neutral characters frustrating because they are not committed to following laws and rules.

Lawful Good vs Lawful Evil

Lawful Evil characters are committed to following laws and rules, but their ultimate goal is to gain power and control. They may be willing to support laws and institutions that are unjust or oppressive if it helps them achieve their objectives. A Lawful Good character would see a Lawful Evil one as a dangerous individual who is willing to use the law and order to further their own selfish goals.

Lawful Good vs Neutral Evil

Lawful Good characters seek to help others and make the world a better place, while Neutral Evil characters seek to advance their own goals and desires, even if it means harming others. A LG character would likely view a Neutral Evil character as a potential threat to the safety and well-being of others. Neutral Evil characters are often willing to engage in deceit, manipulation, and violence to get what they want, and a Lawful Good character would recognize the danger this poses to the innocent and vulnerable.

Lawful Good vs Chaotic Evil

Chaotic Evil characters prioritize personal freedom and individual rights over laws and rules. They may be willing to commit evil acts if it helps them achieve their goals. A Lawful Good character would see a Chaotic Evil character as a dangerous and unpredictable individual who has no regard for the law, order, or the well-being of others.

Lawful Good FAQs

Can a Lawful Good character work with a party that includes Evil-aligned characters?

Lawful Good characters are typically guided by a strict moral code and a sense of duty, therefore they may find it difficult to work with characters who don’t share their values or who actively engage in immoral or unethical behaviour.
However, a Lawful Good character may be willing to work with Evil-aligned characters if they believe that doing so will ultimately serve a greater good and if they believe that they can influence the Evil-aligned ones to behave in a more ethical or moral manner.

Is a Lawful Good character boring to play?

While these characters may seem restrictive in their actions and beliefs, there are many ways to make them interesting and engaging to play: Lawful Good characters are driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire to do what is right, even if it means making difficult decisions or sacrifices; because of this, you could make them have some flaws and quirks that will instantly add more depth and interest, such as a tendency to be overly trusting or a strict adherence to their code of conduct that can sometimes lead to conflict with others.
The key to making any character compelling is to give them depth and complexity, and a Lawful Good character is no exception. Plus, I find that having some malus is way more fun when you play!

Can a Lawful Good character kill anyone?

Yes, a Lawful Good character can kill someone, but it would depend on the circumstances.
They would typically only use violence if it’s necessary to protect innocent lives or to uphold justice and they wouldn’t kill someone without just cause or without attempting to find a non-lethal solution first.
Lawful Good characters would also likely struggle with the morality of taking a life, even if it was justified, and would likely seek to make amends or seek forgiveness for their actions.

Is Lawful Good the best alignment for new players?

It can be a good alignment for new players, as it provides a clear moral framework for their character and can make it easier to understand their motivations and actions. Additionally, the strict code of conduct associated with Lawful Good can help new players stay focused and avoid making decisions that could harm the party or derail the campaign.