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Sushi Go Party!

This post was last updated on November 25th, 2023

I missed so much our local Japanese “all you can eat” restaurant that I decided to buy Sushi Go Party!

Just joking!
Well, I actually missed that restaurant, but that wasn’t the main reason.

Sometimes it happens that I impulse buy games without spending too much time considering pros and cons.
There was a time, months ago, where I was looking for a board game mainly for 2 players (and also suitable for more), easy to learn and teach, with fast-paced gameplay and preferably not too expensive.

After few minutes of online researches, I found Sushi Go Party! which immediately ticked all the boxes. In less than 5 minutes it was already on its way to be shipped.
We kind of knew what to expect from this board game, but it was a nice surprise anyway!

If you want to know more about the game, keep reading!

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Game overview

In Sushi Go Party you’re invited to join a sushi feast!
Choose a menu (or create your own) and try to score the most points over three rounds.
Don’t stick to the plates you know, this is an opportunity to “try” something new 😉

Game Contents

  • 181 cards
  • 22 menu tiles
  • 8 wooden pawns
  • 1 game board
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How to play Sushi Go Party!

Set Up

Choose a Menu from the ones suggested by the game or create your own and place the Menu tiles on the board; in this way, everyone can have a glance at which cards are on play and how they work.
Shuffle the Dessert Cards and place them face-down on the side of the board.
Shuffle all the other cards together and place them face-down near the board (separated from the Dessert Cards).

Sushi Go Party! takes place over 3 rounds; at the beginning of each round shuffle the Dessert Cards on the deck based on the table below.
Then, deal as many cards as required.

The first turn can now starts!

Dessert Cards



Sushi Go Party! is played simultaneously, following the well known “Pick and Pass” mechanic.
Each player picks 1 card from their hand and place it face-down in front of them: this will become part of their meal.
Once all players have chosen, it’s time to reveal everyone’s choice and pass the remaining cards to the player on their left.
Turn after turn, all the players will have fewer cards to choose from; once all the cards are played, the Round ends and points are scored.

At the start of the next Round all played cards are collected and shuffled together to form a new Deck, also more Dessert Cards will be added.

Note: Dessert Cards will be counted at the end of the game, so every time you pick one, place it in a different pile next to you.

Once all the 3 Rounds end, Dessert Cards are scored; in case of a tie the player with the most Dessert Cards will be the winner!

Cards overview

Most of the cards score at the end of the Round, but few have special abilities that may affect the turn.
These are: Uramaki, Miso Soup, Wasabi, Menu, Special Order, Takeout Box, Chopsticks and Spoon.


Sushi Go Party Nigiri cards

Nigiri are a must-have for all sushi meals and they are an essential part of the game.
Because these cards are the pillars of the game, every round will be full of them; make sure to give them a bite!
Nigiri cards are:
Egg nigiri
It is worth 1 point.
Salmon nigiri
It is worth 2 points.
Squid nigiri
It is worth 3 points.

Each of these cards could triple their value if combined with the special card “Wasabi”.


Like in real life, you can’t just have one.
The more you include in your meal, the more points you get at the end of the Round.
Rolls cards are:

Maki rolls
Whoever has the most maki rolls at the end of the round scores 6 points. The second player with the most maki rolls scores 3 points.

During a round, if you are the first player to have at least 10 Uramaki icons, you immediately score 10 points; the next player to collect 10 Uramaki icons scores 5 points and the third player scores 2 points.

Whoever has the most temaki at the end of the round scores 4 points. The player with the fewest Temaki (including 0) loses 4 points.


The perfect end to every meal; if you have space for it! (Not my case when I go to the Japanese restaurant lol).
Desserts can be a game changer, so make sure you have “space” for it!
Desserts cards are:

At the end of the game you score points for each type of fruit (watermelon, pineapple and orange) based on how many of each of them you have collected:
0 fruit type = -2 points
1 fruit type = 0 points
2 fruit types = 1 point
3 fruit types = 3 points
4 fruit types = 6 points
5+ fruit types = 10 points

Green Tea ice cream
At the end of the game 1, 2 or 3 ice creams are worth 0 points; 4 ice creams are worth 12 points.

At the end of the game, the player with the most puddings scores 6 points; the player with the fewest (including 0) loses 6 points.


Like on every Japanese restaurant menu, Appetizers are a fundamental part and there’s a big variety.
Which one you want to include in your meal is up to you, but remember in most cases “the more the better”, without exaggerating.
Appetizers are:

If you have 1 or 2 sashimi you score 0 points; if you have 3 or more sashimi you score 10 points.

If you have 1 tempura you score 0 points; if you have 2 tempura you score 5 points.

Miso soup
If you play a miso soup and it is the only one played during that turn, it remains in your play area and it will score 3 points at the end of the round.
However, if more than 1 miso soup is played in a turn, they are immediately discarded and are worth 0 points.

This card is worth 1 point per opponent with any edamame played during the round. If 1 player has played edamame cards, those are worth 0; if 2 players have played edamame cards, each of them is worth 1 point; and so on until a maximum of 4 points.
Note: It can’t be used on a 2 player game.

If you have 1 tofu you score 2 points; if you have 2 tofu you score 6 points; if you have 3 or more tofu you score 0 points. Don’t exaggerate!

Miso soup
If you play a miso soup and it is the only one played during that turn, it remains in your play area and it will score 3 points at the end of the round.
However, if more than 1 miso soup is played in a turn, they are immediately discarded and are worth 0 points.

Score points based on how many unique onigiri shapes you have (there are 4 of them):
1 shape = 1 point
2 shapes = 4 points
3 shapes = 9 points
4 shapes = 16 points

They are worth points based on the quantity of dumpling you have collected in the round:
1 dumpling = 1 point
2 dumplings = 3 points
3 dumplings = 6 points
4 dumplings = 10 points
5+ dumplings = 15 points


These items spicy things up thanks to their bonus effects, such as playing more than one card, picking a card from the deck, multiplying your points and so on.
Special cards are:

At the end of the round, count the number of cards in your largest set of cards with the same background colour.
Tea is worth 1 point per card in that set.

Takeout box
This card allows you to turn face down any number of cards that you played on previous turns in the current round. These cards are now worth 2 points each and no longer their original value.

They let you take 2 cards on a future turn. When you play chopsticks you simply place it in front of you like any other cards.
On a future turn, you can choose to use it and play 1 more card as a bonus. The chopsticks card will be then placed back into your hand before it is passed on.

When you play it, draw 4 cards from the unused deck and choose 1 card to play immediately.
Return the other 3 cards to the deck, together with the menu card that has been used and shuffle it.
Note: It can’t be used on a 7-8 player game.

This card is worth 0 when played on its own. However, a Nigiri card that you may play successively during the current round will be worth triple points thanks to the Wasabi card effect.

Soy sauce
At the end of the round in which a soy sauce is played, each player compares how many different background coloured cards they have played; if the player who has played the soy sauce card has the most different colours, that card is worth 4 points.

It allows you to take a card from another player’s hand.
When you play the spoon you simply place it in front of you like any other cards. On a future turn, you can choose to use it by simply announcing the name of the card you want to be given; starting from the player to your left, the first who has that card must give it to you and you play it immediately.
Give your spoon card to the player you took it from, to place in their hand.
If no opponent has the announced card in their hand, then the spoon is discarded for the round
Note: It can’t be used on a 2 player game.

Special order
This card copies any other card you previously played in the current round and it scores as if it is the card it is copying.
A very powerful weapon to have in your hands!
Note: It can’t be used on a 7-8 player game.

Note: If multiple bonus actions are used during the same turn, the order in which players can use that ability is indicated by the number on the lower-right corner of the card.


Sushi Go Party it’s a simple and entertaining board game perfect for casual gamers and families.
It can be easily taught and played by everyone as the rules are pretty simple and all the cards are well explained. Even the youngest will enjoy it!

It encourages you to think strategically while playing as, even though it’s not a heavy game, it has a few layers of depth.
Its core gameplay mechanic, the old and beloved “Pick and Pass”, allows each player to play every turn without getting bored waiting for the other players’ turn to finish.

This game reaches its peak when played with 4 players or above, but I usually play it with my partner and it is still a very exciting game!
I truly believe it is one of the most engaging board games for 2 players currently on the market.

My only little criticism is on the card divider layout. The space for each group of cards is just too big and every time I pick the box up for a new game, all those cards are messed up.
The situation would probably get better with card sleeves, but I haven’t got them yet so I can’t say anything.

Considering everything I said, I can’t recommend this game enough.
This is a really fun pearl wrapped in lovely artwork. Just be aware: you’ll be hungry very soon!!

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