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Dixit Odyssey – Let your imagination run wild

This post was last updated on October 30th, 2023

Dixit Odyssey article first image

Dixit Odyssey is a card game in which you can let your imagination run free. It’s an expansion to the original Dixit board game, but it also came as a standalone version: it’s basically the same as the main game, but it added the possibility to play with up to 12 players.
This allowed to add some new mechanics, which made the game even better than what it already is.

I first came across Dixit Odyssey in 2016. I was with a bunch of friends and they introduced me to what later became my favourite board game.
It wasn’t the first board game that I ever played, but it definitely started my passion for board games. I immediately decided to buy it and I started introducing it to all my friends.
From that moment it became one of the games we play the most during our game nights.

Besides being a great game, it’s also a piece of art.
For this expansion, the artists behind the cards’ drawings are Marie Cardouat and Pierô.

Without further ado, let’s jump into the components and the gameplay of Dixit Odyssey.

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Game Components

These are the components that come with the full game version of Dixit Odyssey and not the expansion version, which only gives 84 new cards to add to the original Dixit.

  • The mainboard (split into 2 pieces that puzzle together)
  • 84 new cards
  • 12 wooden bunnies
  • 12 green pegs
  • 12 red pegs
  • 12 player’s tablets
  • Instructions

How to Play Dixit Odyssey

Each player has 6 cards in their hand. The main objective of the game is to be the first one to reach 30 points.
How to get there? There are different ways to gain points.

First of all, in each round there has to be a storyteller: there is no rule on who should go first. In my group, we usually do it so that the first one to have a title can go first.
The storyteller has to look at the 6 cards in his hand, pick one, and give a “title” to it. This title could be anything the card reminds him of, for example, the title of a movie, a song, or a book.

It could be an emotion or a feeling. It could even be just a single sound or gesture.

The important thing is for it not to be too obvious nor too difficult.

This is where the other players come into play: each of them will have to choose from their hand the card that best represents for them the title given by the storyteller.
They’ll have to try to choose the best card possible to get more bonus points.
When all the players have given their cards, the storyteller will mix them and will put them face up on the table, each card assigned to a number on the side of the board.

At this point, all the players, except for the storyteller, will have to try to guess the storyteller’s card by putting, on their player’s tablet, the green peg in the number slot associated with the card they think belongs to the storyteller.
Each vote has to remain secret until everyone has voted. It’s now time to show the votes and score the points.


Scoring Points

As the storyteller, you have to give a title so that at least one person guesses your card; in this case, the storyteller and whoever guessed the card, get three points each. But, if either all or none of the players guessed the card, everyone, except for the storyteller, get two points each.
Besides these points, each player other than the storyteller gains one bonus point for each vote their card received (up to three bonus points).

If there are 7 or more players there’s also a red peg that can be used: if you are troubled between two cards, you can use both pegs to vote both cards. But if you guess the storyteller’s card using just one peg, you’ll get a bonus point. So, risk it for that bonus point, or play it safe so you have a better chance to score? Your choice.

Once all the points are assigned, it’s time for a new storyteller to give a title. In my group, we make it so that those who already gave a title have to wait until everybody has had a chance to be the storyteller.

How to keep track of the points? Just move the bunny along the board by as many spaces as the points you scored. The first bunny to reach 30 points wins.

Is Dixit Odyssey worth it?

So, let’s start by saying that, personally speaking, Dixit is one of the best board games to come out in recent years. It’s fun, it has an original concept, it has gained praise and great reviews pretty much everywhere.

Dixit Odyssey took what already was a great game and made it even better by introducing the second peg to vote and some new variations that you can find in the rulebook. In particular, I’d suggest trying the Dixit party variation, which spices things up adding the possibility for the storyteller to “block” the points on one of the cards played.

It’s a very easy game to explain, and learning how to play it takes just about 2 minutes, which is also why I think it’s a great game to introduce people to the world of board games.
The replay value is very high, and with the Dixit expansions, which are now 10, this value goes even higher.

It’s also a great game for every age, even for young children. I played this game with my 7 and 10 years old cousins and they had so much fun. The only thing is that they could be a little bit too obvious with the titles, but once they understood that, they actually got pretty good and creative.

Believe me when I say I still have to find someone that didn’t tell me they loved this game and asked me where to buy it.

So, what are you waiting for? Go, get this game, and let out your imagination!

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